Viral Protection with Vitamin C
Vitamin C is a well known immune booster and it is the 4th leading deficiency in the United States. When you are deficient in Vitamin C it can impair your immune function and lead to higher rates of infection.
Supplementing with Vitamin C is always a good idea and it’s especially important to increase supplementation during cold and flu season, since it increases phagocytosis; a natural barrier to both bacterial and viral invasions of the body. Furthermore, supplementation with Vitamin C appears to be able to both prevent and treat respiratory and systemic infections.
During times of increased viral or bacterial exposure it is best for most adults to take 500 mg of Vitamin C 3x daily on an empty stomach and do not eat within 1 hr of taking it.
Vitamin C increases iron absorption and since viruses rely on iron to replicate, it’s best to take Vitamin C without food or other iron containing supplements.
Dr. Denise or Dr. Brian can assist in choosing the right Vitamin C supplement for you!