Evening Primrose Oil: Support for Women’s Health
Evening primrose oil is extracted from the seeds of evening primrose, a plant native to North America. The oil contains gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), which is an essential omega-6 fatty acid that has both anti-inflammatory and analgesic (pain-relieving) properties. While most Americans get enough omega-6 fatty acids, the GLA found in evening primrose oil is a healthier form of omega-6 because of the prostaglandins it contains. Evening primrose oil can be taken orally or applied topically when the need arises for many unique health benefits for women.
Pre-Menstrual Syndrome and Menopause: Evening primrose oil helps support hormonal balance and has been found to be effective at reducing menstrual cramping, bloat, water retention, breast tenderness and irritability due to hormonal shifts during a women’s cycle. Research has also found the oil to be effective at reducing the severity of hot-flashes during menopause.
Fertility: The GLA in Evening primrose increases the production of cervical mucus, a factor in successful reproduction. The high concentration of essential fatty acids also contribute to healthy uterine cells which improves contraction and relaxation of uterine muscle tissues improving fertility. For this reason Evening primrose oil should not be taking during pregnancy.
Skin Health: Eczema sufferers often endure red, itchy, swollen and scabbed skin due to an allergic reaction to either a food or an environmental allergy. People with eczema typically also are deficient in fatty acids. The GLA in Evening primrose oil has been found to help with the inflammatory response seen in eczema. The oil is also helpful in psoriasis as it normalizes the excessive skin growth that results in skin plaquing. Other skin conditions including acne, dermatitis and age related skin fatigue can also benefit from Evening primrose oil.