Best Supplements for MEN over 40
Fish Oil (Omega 3s) The benefits of Omega 3s are vast and are best in the form of fish oil over non-marine sources. Fish oil has been proven to be cardio-protective as it will decrease triglycerides and will promote healthier cholesterol ratios. Fish oil also decreases inflammation in the body which will help improve joint health and can help support brain health which will decrease the risk of cognitive decline.
How much is needed? A minimum of 1000mg of both EPA and DHA or more if you have signs of cardiovascular disease, metabolic syndrome or swollen joints.
Ubiquinol is the superior form of the more popular Co-enzyme Q10. The body produces Co-Q10 and must convert it to Ubiquinol to aid in the production of energy and to support muscle function including skeletal and cardiovascular muscles. Production of Ubiquinol declines after the age of 30, which contributes to declining energy levels and muscle strength as we age.
How much is needed? 100mg/day or more if you are taking statins which make you deficient in Ubiquinol
Probiotics aid in proper digestion and absorption of essential B vitamins. Research suggests probiotic supplementation; particularly Lactobacillus reuteri, can protect against and help in the treatment of colorectal cancer.
How much is need? A daily probiotic benefits everyone. Look for a probiotic that contains at least 12 varieties of friendly bacteria.
Vitamin D3 can be produced by the body with adequate sun exposure. Sunscreen, clothing and indoor careers contribute to deficiencies in Vitamin D3 which is needed for strong, healthy bones and an effective immune response.
How much to take? Supplementation levels should be based on individual levels monitored by blood work.
Saw Palmetto with Berries helps support prostate health. Supplementation should begin before changes in urinary frequency increases. Saw Palmetto may also help regulate testosterone levels and reduce hair loss.
How much to take? Dosage may vary depending on current prostate health but ranges from 150-900mg.